Pheromone Moth Traps


Getting Rid of moths the smart way!

Moth Maid Pheromone Traps

Rid your home from moths for good with our pheromone traps for clothes, pantry and carpets

"The information in this book alone is worth the price I paid for the moth traps" - Jane

Pheromone Moth traps Ebook worth £11.99  Get yours FREE today!

Download your FREE ebook and quickly become a mini expert on the habits of moths and how to rid your house of them for good. 

I already have the traps... Can I just set them up?

Yes! You can just follow the basic instructions included in the box and you'll be ready to start catching moths. 


If you want to know a little bit more about how and why moths are in your home, you can greatly increase your chances of making sure you not only get rid of them, but you keep them away for good.

Hundreds Of Copies Downloaded! 

Your Guide to Understanding Moth Cycles and Pheromone Trap Tactics.


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